Many families are eventually forced to make the decision of whether or not to put their elderly loved one in a nursing home. It is often a very difficult decision, but when that cannot be avoided. Many nursing homes are filled with caring and qualified staff and wonderful programs that enable seniors to live their last days well taken care of and at peace. Tragically, there are also many facilities where residents are subjected to terrible neglect and abuse.
If you are looking for a nursing home for your loved one, nursing home attorneys suggest you use the following guidelines when searching for a facility. If your loved one has been a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, call a law office today to find out how they can help.
Steps for Looking for a Home
When you begin your search for a nursing home, you should begin by doing the following:
· Check the different watch list that are online, including list recently issued by the United States Congress.
· Ask about the nursing home staff to resident ratio.
· Research online for different reviews of the homes you are interested in.
· Compare costs and research what private insurance will pay and what Medicare will cover.
As you check each facility, make sure:
Residents are treated with respect: You want to place your loved one in a nursing home where the staff respect seniors, appreciate the value and experiences they bring to life, and will make it as easy as possible for residents to make the transition.
The atmosphere of the facility feels like home: Even though the nursing home your loved one is in is a clinical facility, it shouldn’t feel like one. After all, it is also the place that residents call home. There should be a coziness and feeling like home, especially in areas where the residents meet and socialize.
The menu variety and food served are of good quality: Look for a nursing home that provides residents with a variety of food options. Everyone has their own tastes and you don’t want your loved one to be forced to eat food they don’t like or refuses to eat because the food quality is not good. One of the best times to check out a home is during lunch or dinner time. You can even ask for a sampling of the food to see what it is like.
The nursing home provides daily activities for seniors that are fun. The nursing home should have an activities director who plans daily and weekly activities for residents to enjoy. Participating in these activities makes it much easier for residents to meet and bond with other residents, forming friendships and enjoying a better quality of life.
The nursing home is clean and free of hazards: Really look around when you are checking out a facility and make sure it is clean. It also should have a nice, clean smell. Nursing homes that are not clean means that the residents are exposed to germs that can result in illnesses and infections for residents. Also make sure there are no hazards that could result in injuries to residents. You should also inquire as to what type of security protocols are in place to not only keep strangers out of the home, but also ensure that residents do not just walk off on their own.
Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney for Help
If you believe your elderly loved one has been injured due to negligence of nursing home staff, contact a compassionate nursing home abuse attorney, to find out what legal recourse your family may have against those responsible for your loved one’s injuries.